Cocktail ideas with Malibu (Sort by most recent cocktails)

Welcome to our dedicated category of delicious cocktails made with Malibu! Malibu is a coconut-flavored rum liqueur originating from the Caribbean, which brings an exotic and refreshing touch to your drinks. Whether you're an experienced bartender or just a cocktail enthusiast, these recipes will transport you directly under the palm trees with your feet in the warm sand.

Discover our selection of recipes featuring this sweet and aromatic liqueur, which pairs perfectly with fruit juices, sodas, and other ingredients to create tasty and sunny blends. From timeless classics like Piña Colada and Malibu Sunset to modern and bold creations, there's something for every taste and occasion.

So, prepare your shakers, cocktail glasses, and let yourself be seduced by these sunny recipes that will make you travel without leaving the comfort of your home.

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