Legal Notice

Legal Notice

- Owner of the Cocktails Road website :
Bordeaux region

- Editor of the Cocktails Road website :
Bordeaux region

- Distinguishing marks:
The domain name Cocktails Road belongs to Florian MARTIN.

- Hosting of the site
The site is hosted by OVH - 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix.

- Administrative status and invoicing :
FLORIAN MARTIN carries out his activity under the status of "portage salarial". He is, as such, a member of webportage (NODALYS), which ensures the administrative management of his activity and whose details are as follows: Webportage NODALYS, RCS AIX-EN-PROVENCE: 483 180 808
Address of invoicing: L'Escapade Bât. E, Avenue Paul Jullien, 13100 Le Tholonet.
Email : Telephone : 04 42 12 44 44
The invoices will be consequently established in the name of webportage. The carrier is solely responsible for the proper execution of its service and the services it offers.

Important :
The intellectual property rights relating to the site belong to Florian MARTIN.
Any use, reproduction, distribution, marketing, modification of all or part of the site, without the authorization of Florian MARTIN) is prohibited and may result in legal action and prosecution as provided for in particular by the intellectual property code and/or the civil code.

Cocktails Road | @2025 All copy rights reserved